In room 5 we have a free 2 week trial for mathletics and we are using it in class maths rotations. Mathletics is a educational maths website where you can participate in maths games and activites. We are encouraged to buy a 1 year membership so we can use it all year round at home and at school. On mathletics you have your own character who you can customise and buy backgrounds and hats and things like that for, you can buy these things with the credits you win for doing well in the maths activities. Hopefully we can get most of the class on this!
Emily, Room 5
You may also be interested to look at ZooWhiz is a new FREE online learning system for kids aged 5 – 15. It covers maths, reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar. It’s free to use at home and school. Kids parents and teachers are really enthusiastic about it and our user base is growing rapidly.