Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Haircut Controversy

Have you seen this article in the news recently? Click here to find out more.

 What do you think? Should he cut his hair? Are there any rules that you think should be changed at our school? Make sure you can justify why.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Matthew's 9 Language Polyglot Monologue

Wow! This man is amazing! He can speak 9 different languages.  Watch and see.

Can you speak any different languages? What language would you like to speak and why?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Describing Angles

Can you use your angles knowledge and mathematical vocabulary to describe these geometric shapes that were designed by our students on our recent Pataka trip?

Pataka Maths & Angles

Pataka Maths & Angles

Friday, June 6, 2014

AWAKENING | NEW ZEALAND - What a wonderful world

Sit back and enjoy this beautiful video.

What a beautiful country we live in :)

Can you use a simile or metaphor to describe one of the scenes?

Where is your favourite place in New Zealand and why?

Who has visted our site?