Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sefh's Go Animate cartoon

On Wednesday mornings the students have been completing a variety of projects.  David taught Sefh how to use "Go Animate"  

What do you think of his cartoon? The+haunted+bar by Benie boy

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Powhiri for Mr Henderson

Yesterday Newlands Intermediate brought us our new principal, Brendon Henderson.  We held a formal welcome for him where we exchanged songs and welcomed him to Tawa Intermediate.

What did you think about the powhiri? Did you learn/see anything new? Is it important to have a powhiri? Why or why not?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Setting up for Term 3

I popped into school on Tuesday so sort out the furniture.  Heston came with me to see Stephanie.  Here are a couple of snaps of him hanging out (very cheekily on the couch) in our classroom.  Look how big he is now!  Have you spent time with your pets this holiday?  

You can also see my husband's arm leaning on Heston, he also came to school with me as his work was closed due to the earthquake.  The air conditioning unit had soaked everything!  Luckily he is back at work now.  Did any of your parents' have to stay at home after the earthquake? How many earthquakes and after shocks have you felt?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

TIS Got Talent

Today we have something called TIS Got Talent. It's a talent show that only the most talented get to go to. To get to TIS Got Talent you have to be one of the most talented people in your syndicate. I was a judge at my syndicate's talent show and we had a lot of talented people but we could only let 4 people go through to the whole school one. I'm also going to be a judge for the whole school talent show and I think it will be really hard to find a winner.


This term Huia Syndicate has been doing some languages every Thursday before P.E. The three languages are Korean, Japanese and French. The language I'm in is French and I'm really enjoying it. In French we learn diffrent things like greetings, family names, foods, colours and numbers, we also learn how to prounce words correctly. One of the big things we have done in French is a presention for a fake family, so I could say that I'm Strawberry Shortcake, T.J Perenara is my husband, Juno is my daughter, Shelton Cooper is my son and Spider Pig is our pet, then I would have to say it in French. I know it sounds hard but once we actually learn a bit of French its easy. I really would really like to do French in college because one day I would like to go to France and go to resturant and cafe and actully speak French, I think that would be really cool to do with my family so I could speak for them and they could learn from me.



This term visitors from Japan, Iyo and Satoru, have been teaching us Japanese. We have learnt numbers, common expressions, and how to write Hiragana. It has been fun learning a different language. Here are some  photos of games we played:

Japanese Expressions:

Ohayou gozaimasu: Good morning
Watashi wa ____ desu: My name is ____
Arigatou: Thank you
Douitashimashite: You're welcome
Kawaii: Cute
Sugoi: Great
Kakkoii: Cool


Funny Dancing by Thomas`

This is thomas, Room14s dancing addiction.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Intro to Rm 14

Here is a quick video introducing Rm 14 to you all.  Hope you enjoy it.

Raroa Sports Exchange

On Friday 5th of July, our top sports teams from our school went to Raroa Intermediate for a sports event. We play Raroa insports such as Hockey, Netball, Football, Rygby, Volley and Basketball.
The whole day on Friday we played sports. At the end of the day we found out the results and Raroa had won. But our school won three different games, Rugby girls, Basketball girls and Girls football.
Here are some photos of our sports exchange. What sports do you play?


An Awfully BIG Adventure

Last week there was a play called An Awfully BIG Adventure. It was about World War 1. It was funny. It was amazing. It was awesome. It was by capital E. We all loved it. Tawa Intermediate school was the first school to see this play. The play was about how World War 1 affected peoples lives. Like I said, The play was funny but many people died in World War 1. What did people learn about it?

Welcome to our quad blogging partners

Welcome to students from Dannevirke South School, Balmacewen Intermediate and Selwyn House Intermediate.

We hope you enjoy looking at our blog, we are looking forward to your comments.  Below are some comments from the students in Rm 14 telling you a bit more about our school, Tawa Intermediate.

Later on today we will have a short video for you to watch as well.

Happy exploring :)

Darlingheart Bake Sale

A week or so ago we had a bake sale to raise money for a charity called "The Darlingheart Foundation".  It was an awesome event that raised money for children in an orphanage in India.

Did you buy anything?  What was your favourite baked good?

Do you think we should do another bake sale next term? Or is there another way we could raise money?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

World War Two Mini Inquiry

Over the last couple of weeks you have been finding out about the events of World War Two.

What have you found out so far?  What do you want to find out more about?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Documentary making

At the beginning of term 2 we went to see the film "I am eleven".  It was an awesome film that inspired us all.  Since then students have been working on their own documentaries, see the posts below for the results.

Hopefully you'll be impressed as I was, enjoy!

Producer's Doco

This doco looks at the support staff behind TIS.  It was made by Emma, Kate, Josef & Liv.

Writer's Doco - Life at TIS

This doco is inspired by the "I am eleven" doco we saw at the cinema at the beginning of the term.  It was made by Ben, Tyreek, Scott, Soana and Nathan.

Editor's Doco - '2012'

The editor's doco looks back at memories from 2012.  It was made by Eden, David, Jesse, Sefh, Christian and Rebecca.

 and Rebecca

Director's Doco - 'Technology'

This doco looks at the influence of technology in our lives.

It was made by Bernice, Chris, Anna, Mehara and Henry.

Film Crew's Doco - 'Huia'

This doco interviews the people who make up Huia syndicate.  It was made by Becca, Harrison, Charlotte, Thomas, Josh & Kate.

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