As you may know the last week of the year is upon us. It is a frantic rush for us to complete everything. Next year Room 5 is becoming Room 14 so we are moving out of Room 5 while Room 14 is moving in. With Spec extensions, prize giving, leavers dinner, the picnic and everything else that seems to be happening this week there isn't much time to do anything besides that. But with the last week comes a lot of fun and not much work lately we have been getting into the christmas season by creating decorations for our amazing tree, listening to christmas songs and doing christmas activities and crosswords etc.
It is also the last time here at Tawa Intermediate for all of the Year 8's inclueding me and as much as i have loved my time at T.I.S i am also very excited for college.
By Jenna
The blog is a virtual window in to Room 4, Tawa Intermediate School, for 2014. We will be posting information about what we have been up to and include examples of our learning. Watch this space!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
As you may know the people from Room 5 that advanced to the syndicates were -
- Nasan
- Hannah
- Jenna
- David
- Bernice
- Roshani
They competed alongside the rest of Huia and their speeches. From there the people that advanced were -
- Nasan
- Zach
- Jenna
- Jake
- Bernice
They had advanced to the semi-finals in front of Mr Rickard and Mr Cameron. I'm sure they were all very nervous about their presentations. From there only six year 7's and six year 8's could advance to the finals. Two people advanced from the semi's and they were (drum roll please) - Zach and Jake!!!!!
It was great to see them presenting their speeches incredibly well but there could only be one Year 7 winner and one Year 8. And the winners were -
Jake Keats (from Huia) for the Year 7's
And Rhys Jennings (from Poukai) for the Year 8's
Congrats to Zach who did amazing as well, and to all the other people that had the guts to go up and present their speeches!!
By Jenna
- Nasan
- Hannah
- Jenna
- David
- Bernice
- Roshani
They competed alongside the rest of Huia and their speeches. From there the people that advanced were -
- Nasan
- Zach
- Jenna
- Jake
- Bernice
They had advanced to the semi-finals in front of Mr Rickard and Mr Cameron. I'm sure they were all very nervous about their presentations. From there only six year 7's and six year 8's could advance to the finals. Two people advanced from the semi's and they were (drum roll please) - Zach and Jake!!!!!
It was great to see them presenting their speeches incredibly well but there could only be one Year 7 winner and one Year 8. And the winners were -
Jake Keats (from Huia) for the Year 7's
And Rhys Jennings (from Poukai) for the Year 8's
Congrats to Zach who did amazing as well, and to all the other people that had the guts to go up and present their speeches!!
By Jenna
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Solar Oven Science Experiment
Question - Will a solar oven cook food???
Equipment -
- Pizza box
- Tinfoil
- Insulation/pink bats
- Pencil
- Black paper
- Glad wrap
- Sellotape
- food to cook on the oven (e.g chocolate, egg or pizza with no meat)
Hypothesis - I think that the oven will work and it will melt the chocolate, the egg will work as well but it will take a long time.
Method (for making the ovens as well) -
- Clean the pizza box.
- Cut a flap in the lid of the pizza box.
- Put the insulation/pink bats in the sides of the box.
- Put black paper in the bottom of the box.
- Wrap tinfoil around the inside of the flap you have cut.
- Use the pencil to hold the flap open.
- Put food on the black paper and cover it in glad wrap (make sure it is sunny when you put your food out).
- Watch your oven to see when it is cooked.
- When the food is cooked eat it up!!!
Results -
The chocolate work really well melting very fast. The egg was another story it didn't work at all, after an hour and a half of cooking it in the sun it was still liquid. the container it was in did start the heat up but not anywhere near hot enough.
Conclusion - The solar ovens where a great experience, even though the egg didn't work. the chocolate was delicious especially when there was marshmallows and strawberries to go along with it.
Here are some photos of the solar ovens -
Equipment -
- Pizza box
- Tinfoil
- Insulation/pink bats
- Pencil
- Black paper
- Glad wrap
- Sellotape
- food to cook on the oven (e.g chocolate, egg or pizza with no meat)
Hypothesis - I think that the oven will work and it will melt the chocolate, the egg will work as well but it will take a long time.
Method (for making the ovens as well) -
- Clean the pizza box.
- Cut a flap in the lid of the pizza box.
- Put the insulation/pink bats in the sides of the box.
- Put black paper in the bottom of the box.
- Wrap tinfoil around the inside of the flap you have cut.
- Use the pencil to hold the flap open.
- Put food on the black paper and cover it in glad wrap (make sure it is sunny when you put your food out).
- Watch your oven to see when it is cooked.
- When the food is cooked eat it up!!!
Results -
The chocolate work really well melting very fast. The egg was another story it didn't work at all, after an hour and a half of cooking it in the sun it was still liquid. the container it was in did start the heat up but not anywhere near hot enough.
Conclusion - The solar ovens where a great experience, even though the egg didn't work. the chocolate was delicious especially when there was marshmallows and strawberries to go along with it.
Here are some photos of the solar ovens -
By Jenna
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Question - To see which material insulates a hot drink the best.
Equipment -
- 5 different types of material - cardboard, cloth, foam/polystyrene, plastic and tinfoil.
- 5 cups/mugs (the same kind)
- sellotape
- boiling water (the same amount in each cup)
- thermometer
- timer
Hypothesis -
I think that the foam/cardboard will be the best insulator because it is thick and it'll trap the steam in the air like material. I think that the cloth will be the worst insulator because it is quite thin and has lot's of holes in it.
Method -
- Boil the jug.
- Prepare each cup by putting the material around it and on top of it.
- Record the temperature of the water.
- Pour the same amount of water into each cup.
- Put the lids on the cups and set the timer for 10 minutes.
- When the 10 minutes is up take the temperature again of each cup and record which has stayed the hottest.
Results -
All of the water in the mugs started of at 77C
This is the placings and statistic of each mug/cup -
1st - foam/polystyrene at 63C so it dropped 14C.
2nd equal - cloth and cardboard they both ended up at 58C dropping 19C.
3rd - plastic bag at 57C dropping 20C.
and in last place was the tinfoil at 55C dropping 22C.
Conclusion -
We were correct that the foam/polystyrene was the best. but our hypothesis for the worst insulator was way off. The cloth turned out to be very good placing 2nd. It was a big surprise when the tinfoil placed last I think it shows that tinfoil is better at keeping solids hot then liquids.
By Jenna
Equipment -
- 5 different types of material - cardboard, cloth, foam/polystyrene, plastic and tinfoil.
- 5 cups/mugs (the same kind)
- sellotape
- boiling water (the same amount in each cup)
- thermometer
- timer
Hypothesis -
I think that the foam/cardboard will be the best insulator because it is thick and it'll trap the steam in the air like material. I think that the cloth will be the worst insulator because it is quite thin and has lot's of holes in it.
Method -
- Boil the jug.
- Prepare each cup by putting the material around it and on top of it.
- Record the temperature of the water.
- Pour the same amount of water into each cup.
- Put the lids on the cups and set the timer for 10 minutes.
- When the 10 minutes is up take the temperature again of each cup and record which has stayed the hottest.
Results -
All of the water in the mugs started of at 77C
This is the placings and statistic of each mug/cup -
1st - foam/polystyrene at 63C so it dropped 14C.
2nd equal - cloth and cardboard they both ended up at 58C dropping 19C.
3rd - plastic bag at 57C dropping 20C.
and in last place was the tinfoil at 55C dropping 22C.
Conclusion -
We were correct that the foam/polystyrene was the best. but our hypothesis for the worst insulator was way off. The cloth turned out to be very good placing 2nd. It was a big surprise when the tinfoil placed last I think it shows that tinfoil is better at keeping solids hot then liquids.
By Jenna
Class Speeches
As you may know by now Tawa Intermediate is doing speeches and on the 30th of November we did our class final for speeches. 13 people advanced to the final from the groups round. Here are the top 13 and their topics -
- Jenna Gotlieb - Alarm clocks
- Antonia Maunsell - Excuses for homework
- Kate Crowley - Mooloolaba
- Bernice Holford - Niue
- Christian D'Souza - Cristiano Ronaldo
- Scott Breuer - Technology
- Justin Tra - Milo
- Nathan Williams - Fleas
- Hannah Clark - Speeches
- David Phllips - Onions
- Tyreek Fuiava - Greg Inglis
- Nasan Jenkin - Wonders of the world
- Roshani Thuraisingham - Usain Bolt
All of the speeches were very good, but only 7 people could go through to the syndicate speeches. So after hard judging/scoring of each speech we worked out that our top 7 were (drum roll please)
In first place - Nasan
2nd - Hannah
3rd - Jenna
4th - David
5th - Bernice
6th - Roshani
And 7th - Nathan W
These 7 people are going through to the next round and competing against the other syndicate finalists.
By Jenna
- Jenna Gotlieb - Alarm clocks
- Antonia Maunsell - Excuses for homework
- Kate Crowley - Mooloolaba
- Bernice Holford - Niue
- Christian D'Souza - Cristiano Ronaldo
- Scott Breuer - Technology
- Justin Tra - Milo
- Nathan Williams - Fleas
- Hannah Clark - Speeches
- David Phllips - Onions
- Tyreek Fuiava - Greg Inglis
- Nasan Jenkin - Wonders of the world
- Roshani Thuraisingham - Usain Bolt
All of the speeches were very good, but only 7 people could go through to the syndicate speeches. So after hard judging/scoring of each speech we worked out that our top 7 were (drum roll please)
In first place - Nasan
2nd - Hannah
3rd - Jenna
4th - David
5th - Bernice
6th - Roshani
And 7th - Nathan W
These 7 people are going through to the next round and competing against the other syndicate finalists.
By Jenna
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Solar Eclipse
As you may or may not know on Wednesday the 14th of November we were lucky enough to experience a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between earth and the sun. This rarely happens. When we found out this was happening we went up to the Tawa College field where some students and teachers had set up special telescopes to look at the eclipse. We had to use telescopes and special glasses because you are unable to see the eclipse with out them, because it is so bright. When we looked at the eclipse this is what we saw -
As you can see in the picture above the black circle is the moon and the light coming out from behind is obviously the sun. We were very lucky to be able to see this solar eclipse because there might not be another one in our lifetime.
By Jenna
By Jenna
Rippa Rugby
In P.E we are doing rippa rugby and we have made class teams so we can have a tournament in our syndicate. The teams are girls, boys and mixed. We have been practising and our Room 5 girls are good but not quite good enough for the Room 6 girls who seem to be the favourite to win! We are going to start the tournament late this week or early next and the move onto to racket skills. We still need to work on playing to the rules as some people are so used to fending that it just happens! But its not allowed! Well hopefully we can pull off a win without any rule breaking...
Until next time,
Emily, Room 5
Until next time,
Emily, Room 5
Monday, November 19, 2012
Ki O Rahi
Huia has been playing a game called Ki O Rahi. There are a few legends around it and lately it's been resurrected from school to school. It's fun, good exercise, challenging and easy to learn and play. This video below is a 'how to play' video of Ki O Rahi and to the top of this writing is a comic legend of the game. It is called The Legend of Rahitutakahina/Rahi
As you may know Huia went on camp in week 2. We were the second syndicate to go on camp so we had only Pouakai to tell us what it was like. Our 3 lovely parent helpers were Anna's dad Pat, Imogen's dad Stuart and Becca's mum Debbie. There was obviously Mrs Goldfinch as well and without these helpers camp couldn't happen. So to start with we caught the train to Masterton. We were staying at the cabins first, so we put our luggage in the cabins and met our leaders for the week. Our leaders were Chelsea, Pete and Suze. Our first activity was the rock climbing wall. It was really fun! There were 3 different parts to it: the rock climbing walls, the big swing (which was really really fun) and a small abseiling wall. Our second activity was the High and Low ropes course. We split off into two groups and my group went to the low ropes course first, where we went along on ropes with spotters on either side. We also played a game which was based on the Titanic. The high ropes course was also very fun. It was about 20 metres in the air and you fly on a flying fox to the end. Our first day's activities were very fun and we finished off the day with a trip to the pools and beef stroganoff for dinner.
The next day we packed up and headed to our next activities, which were rafting and abseiling. We had to split into two groups again and my group did rafting first. We got into wetsuits and life jackets etc and headed to the river. It was so cool; the best activity by far. The aim was (as long as you were in deep water and not rapids) to splash people with your paddles, jump on other rafts and pull people into the water. The abseiling was next and it was nearly 30 metres high! It was quite scary but getting over the edge is the hardest part. After we had finished our day's activities, we headed to the tent site. We had burgers for tea and stood around the fire.
Day 3 was upon us and the first thing we had to do was carry all the gear to the bivvy site. It was a good 30 - 45 minute walk away, so it was really hard. Once we were there, we had a break and then we headed off up Mount Holdsworth for the day. It was tiring climbing the mountain, but once up, the view was great. About 2/3 of the class went another way down the hill and after 2 hours of walking down we realised we were lost. Yikes! But just under an hour later we found our way and we were back to the Dolloney flats (where the bivvy site was) in no time. We made our bivvy's and judged them. We then swam in the river and ate a delicious dinner of sausages and noodles. After that, we played spotlight and toasted marshmallows on the fire. Yum!
Day 4 was here and our last day's activities were flying fox and caving. So we arrived at the location, walked through lots of sheep poo and over pot holes. When we found the cave and flying fox, we then split into 2 groups my group went into the caves first. The caves were cold, damp and dark but also good fun. We climbed up a waterfall (with no water flowing down it obviously), climbed through very claustrophobic places and turned off our torches to look at the glow worms. They were awesome! Then it was lunch time and on to the flying fox. We walked up quite a steep little hill until we got to the platform. I decided to go first. It was really cool! You go really fast back down the hill and over a river. You then have to walk back over the river and climb up the hill. It was a really fun way to end the awesome activity and time with classmates we had just experienced. Then we carried the gear back to the bus, got in a circle and said what our favourite activity was from the whole camp. I think rafting was the obvious favourite. Off to the Masterton train station we went, and then home. I had a great time and I think everyone had a great time too, but even though it was so fun it was great to be home and sleeping in our own beds!!!
By Jenna!
The next day we packed up and headed to our next activities, which were rafting and abseiling. We had to split into two groups again and my group did rafting first. We got into wetsuits and life jackets etc and headed to the river. It was so cool; the best activity by far. The aim was (as long as you were in deep water and not rapids) to splash people with your paddles, jump on other rafts and pull people into the water. The abseiling was next and it was nearly 30 metres high! It was quite scary but getting over the edge is the hardest part. After we had finished our day's activities, we headed to the tent site. We had burgers for tea and stood around the fire.
Day 3 was upon us and the first thing we had to do was carry all the gear to the bivvy site. It was a good 30 - 45 minute walk away, so it was really hard. Once we were there, we had a break and then we headed off up Mount Holdsworth for the day. It was tiring climbing the mountain, but once up, the view was great. About 2/3 of the class went another way down the hill and after 2 hours of walking down we realised we were lost. Yikes! But just under an hour later we found our way and we were back to the Dolloney flats (where the bivvy site was) in no time. We made our bivvy's and judged them. We then swam in the river and ate a delicious dinner of sausages and noodles. After that, we played spotlight and toasted marshmallows on the fire. Yum!
Day 4 was here and our last day's activities were flying fox and caving. So we arrived at the location, walked through lots of sheep poo and over pot holes. When we found the cave and flying fox, we then split into 2 groups my group went into the caves first. The caves were cold, damp and dark but also good fun. We climbed up a waterfall (with no water flowing down it obviously), climbed through very claustrophobic places and turned off our torches to look at the glow worms. They were awesome! Then it was lunch time and on to the flying fox. We walked up quite a steep little hill until we got to the platform. I decided to go first. It was really cool! You go really fast back down the hill and over a river. You then have to walk back over the river and climb up the hill. It was a really fun way to end the awesome activity and time with classmates we had just experienced. Then we carried the gear back to the bus, got in a circle and said what our favourite activity was from the whole camp. I think rafting was the obvious favourite. Off to the Masterton train station we went, and then home. I had a great time and I think everyone had a great time too, but even though it was so fun it was great to be home and sleeping in our own beds!!!
By Jenna!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Knuckling down
We are all knuckling down and getting our MacDougall poetry and speeches done. Also we are getting our e-asTTLe tests done in reading and maths. I have also been away so I have a lot of catching up to do! We are trying to fit in with our coughs and colds and being away from school.
We are also doing a couple of different things in P.E. so this all will be very interesting.
Until next time,
Emily, Room 5
We are also doing a couple of different things in P.E. so this all will be very interesting.
Until next time,
Emily, Room 5
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
The new and improved room 5!
Just before we went to camp we moved back into room 5 which the builders had just finished with. We moved in and found we have a cool new sprinkler system and a glass siding door and window out to the corridor. We have placed or stuff around the room as it was before and we have found that the room feels bigger by a lot! As we are getting back into the swing of thing we are getting used to being in our classroom again. We are all looking forward to knuckling down and getting all our end of year work done.
Until next time
Emily, Room 5
Until next time
Emily, Room 5
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Arohatia Te Reo
I'm sure you remember our Arohatia Te Reo resource (loop box) we created and talked to you about not that long ago. The results are in and us Room 5 came 2nd!!!!!! Sadly we did come second to Room 17 but still our placing was outstanding. This is the feedback we got - A great hands on learning/translation tool. Well done! It was judged by Patrick Gemmell.
By Jenna
By Jenna
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The big move!
Last week room 5 and 6 moved upstairs to room 7 and 8 as the building work was starting in our classrooms this week. We were lucky enough to move into room 7. It is very small in here compared to our old classroom but we are not that unhappy about this. We spent the whole of Friday morning moving and setting up our new classroom and putting up cool wall displays. Now it is Wednesday and we are all settled in and we now have a projector so it is really homely now. We still hope all goes to plan with the building work so we can move back into our old classroom early term 4!
Emily, Room 5
Emily, Room 5
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Weekly quiz
Every Monday in room 5 we do the weekly quiz in groups of around 3-5. We answer a series of current event questions and then get them marked. We get a score out of 20. Then every week we add our scores to the last weeks ones to get a total score. after 2 terms the team with the highest score wins a prize from Mrs Goldfinch. At the moment my team(Jenna, Liv and I) are in the lead with 111 points! We are also winning by a big margin! So bring it on!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Across Huia and a couple of other syndicates, we have had the opportunity to learn Taekwon-do on days Monday and Friday. This is going to be a great experience for all of us learning a martial art which originated in Korea. I'm sure everyone is urging to learn it.
By Jenna
By Jenna
Ki O Rahi
Our 5 week course of Ki O Rahi has come to an end, but that doesn't mean we will stop playing this awesome game. I'm sure everyone enjoyed learning it. We are also hoping that we could start up a Ki O Rahi tournament for the classes that learnt it.
My thoughts on Ki O Rahi-
I think Ki O Rahi was a great experience and I am so glad we got the opportunity to learn and play it.
Ki O Rahi is not like any other game I've ever played before so that makes it extra awesome.
By Jenna
My thoughts on Ki O Rahi-
I think Ki O Rahi was a great experience and I am so glad we got the opportunity to learn and play it.
Ki O Rahi is not like any other game I've ever played before so that makes it extra awesome.
By Jenna
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Blog changes
We are currently making some changes to our blog so don't be alarmed if it looks a bit bad or you can't read it. Trust us to get it stuck on something that looks awful! Thanks for bearing with us!
Juicy writing
A long time ago there was a Hot Dog Factory. Kids went there and helped make hot dogs. The kids earned free hot dogs for working. Once, there was a kid who hated hot dogs that went there. He was getting paid to sabotage the hot dog-making machines. He was also promised a bonus if he messed up the already-made hot dogs. He sneaked some Chilli Sauce in the hot dogs, and sabotaged the machines by cooking pieces of metal in them. Mr O'William, the owner of the factory, had to close it down. The kid's employer paid well. Mr O'William is currently working on fixing the machines so he can reopen the factory.
By David.
By David.
Self defence
For the last two Mondays a group of the year 8 girls from room 5 went to self defence with another group of girls from across the school. The course was taken by a nice lady called Jan Beth. She was an amazing teacher helping us learn cool self defence techniques while having loads of fun! She taught us all about attackers and their weak points and how to carry out punches and kicks effectively. We even read some really sad stories from news papers about attacks. She even had punch mitts which we could kick and punch for practise! We all had lots of fun and I would like to say a big thanks to Jan!
Emily, rm 5
Emily, rm 5
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Updating the timeline in the studio
Room 5 has the big job of updating the timeline in the TIS studio. As you may know it is very out of date the timeline was for 2010 and part of 2011. So we sarted to take down the 2010 photos and titles so new ones could be put up. This required a lot of pulling down photos and pulling out staples. we then had to choose new photos to put up there were many of them to choose from. We then had to print them, cut them, laminate them, then cut them again. It is a lot of effort for us but we know it will be worth it in the end because it will make the studio look amazing.
Here are some photos of us working hard at this task -
By Jenna
Here are some photos of us working hard at this task -
By Jenna
TIS Olympics
As you may already know TIS is holding its own Olympic games. Each class is a country and we got the privilege of being Portugal the flag is shown above. As you can see the colours of our flag is red and green so when the TIS Olympics are held on Friday the 10th August we will be wearing red and green. There are ten events in total so 3 people per class compete in each event.
Here is the events and who is competing in what -
Horizontal diving - Kelvin, Eden and Chris
Triathalon - Becca, Josef and Christian
Balloon catching - Logan, Jenna and Antonia
Noodle fencing - Elson, Nasan and Tyreek
Tug of war - Justin, Gavin and Imogen
Scooter relay - Scott, David and Nathan H
Grand slalom - Hannah, Roshani and Cassie
Comando race - Emma, Kate and Sefh
Chariot race - Nathan W, Liv and Anna
4 legged race - Jesse, Bernice and Emily
We are all very excited and pumped for the Olympics on Friday.
David's Juicy Writing
There were 4 people, having afternoon tea. Just getting on with their daily lives. Then all of a sudden, they were grabbed by a massive, 4-armed giant! The giant took the people to his farm in the sky. It was huge! The giant put the people into a giant frying pan and cooked them. They made a delicious dinner for the giant.
By David
By David
Arohatia Te Reo Resource - Loop Box
For our Arohatia Te Reo Resource we created a Loop Box. For those of you that don't know what a loop box is it is a box which uses sets of cards that have a English word on one side and the Maori version on the other side. You put the card with the English side facing up into the top slot of the box. Inside the box is a slide like passage in which the card slides down, it flips the card around revealing the Maori word. We also made many different topics of cards like sports, food, animals, days of the week, everyday sayings, months, colours and places. We think the Loop box is a great way to teach people basic Maori words.
Here are some pictures of our creation -
By Jenna
Here are some pictures of our creation -
By Jenna
Ki O Rahi
Ki O Rahi is a Maori game that was played by some tribes as a competition instead of fighting and losing lots of their warriors. We are lucky enough to be being taught the game by some push play people who are very friendly. The game seemed very complected at first but after learning about it some more it started to make a lot more sense. Now we have played it we have found out how fun it could be. We will continue to learn and play the game until we get very good at it! Thank you to our push play helpers for teaching us this awesome game!
Emily, rm5
Emily, rm5
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
juciywriting - lists
New Zealand
South Africa
New Zealand
South Africa
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Term 3
Another term has begun, dodge ball is beginning on Thursday 19th July and we are versing Room 12. Term 3 will probably be a blast. I like term 3. Term 3 is awesome I hope term 3 will be spectacular and we do well in dodge ball.
Scott Room 5
Scott Room 5
Term 3 has begun, and a new term means a new inquiry topic and this term we are focusing on sustainability. Our first homework task for this term is a very creative one, we have to create a sculpture for Huia's sculpture exhibition. There was only one rule for this sculpture, it had to be made out of recycled materials. we were are given till the friday of week 4 to finish this task, I think we're all expecting some awesome sculptures.
By Jenna!
By Jenna!
Science, Term 3
This term we have been learning about matter in science. Matter is what all the things in the world are made up of, solid, liquid or gas. We have been learning about things that can change from one matter to another like ice it is a solid but it turns to water a liquid when it is heated. We melted chocolate from a solid to a liquid and we made jelly into a liquid and then let it set into a solid again. we were trying to melt the chocolate in as many ways as possible this included heating in the microwave and even blowing on them! We had a fun time doing these experiments and eating the remains! We all are looking forward to doing more science so bring it on!
Emily, Room 5
Emily, Room 5
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
In inquiry we have been doing a big research task in groups of 3 or 4. Our task is to choose out of the countries Mrs Goldfinch had given us to choose from. My group is doing Syria, some other groups are doing countries like China, Uganda, South Africa and many more. We had to complete various questions about 5 categories using the different solo taxonomy words about our country. The 5 categories were, culture, geography, resources, history and issues and problems. The questions were mostly based on human rights, because that was the topic we had been focusing on before this. Here's some of the questions that are on the sheet -
- How does the religion of the country impact citizen's freedom?
- What would it be like to go to school in your country?
- Do the country's politics violate human rights?
- What does your country import/export?
- Imagine if you were the leader of your country. What would you do? How long would it take before you see a significant change?
these are just some examples of the questions we have to do. We had to research these questions or if they require thinking we would do so, there were options on how we could display our research/answers like on myportfolio pages which the teachers had set up, on a prezi or on a poster, etc. We are now nearing the end of our research topic,mostof us just have to finish of those last questions.
By Jenna!
- How does the religion of the country impact citizen's freedom?
- What would it be like to go to school in your country?
- Do the country's politics violate human rights?
- What does your country import/export?
- Imagine if you were the leader of your country. What would you do? How long would it take before you see a significant change?
these are just some examples of the questions we have to do. We had to research these questions or if they require thinking we would do so, there were options on how we could display our research/answers like on myportfolio pages which the teachers had set up, on a prezi or on a poster, etc. We are now nearing the end of our research topic,mostof us just have to finish of those last questions.
By Jenna!
In the last few days we have been doing science everyday. On the first day we did an experiment on which lolly will dissolve the fastest, we did this by sucking on them! Yesterday we did an experiment called the magic balloon where you mix warm water, yeast and sugar in a jar and the place a balloon on top, the balloon is supposed to inflate. For some of us this experiment went well but for some others it went badly as their balloon did not inflate. We will be carrying on with science for the rest of the week lucky us!
For the last few weeks we have been working on inquiries in small groups of four. In my group is Cassie, Christian, David and me! We did an inquiry on Uganda. We made a poster and filled in alot of My portfolio pages. Did you know that Uganda is landlocked and also it is a republic, it also has 8 times as many people as us! We have now just about finished.
Emily, room 5
Emily, room 5
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Matariki concert
Yesterday it was the matariki concert at Tawa Intermediate school. The concert was made up of all the academies from the Intermediate performing the things they have been working on in their time on Wednesdays. It all went very well and from what I have heard it was very enjoyable, I certainly had fun. I was in the choir and we performed two songs and I am also in art academy but we did not perform, although our art was exhibited. My dad said that his highlight was Summer singing at the start he said she was amazing!
Emily, room 5
Emily, room 5
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Inter-intermediate Cross Country
On Tuesday the 22nd and Friday the 25th the Cross Country qualifiers ran
a sausage sizzle to fund raise the bus fee to get to the Inter-intermediate Cross Country
event. The sausages were pork flavoured and they were very nice. It was a huge success for
all to enjoy and also congratulations to the top 10 runners.
a sausage sizzle to fund raise the bus fee to get to the Inter-intermediate Cross Country
event. The sausages were pork flavoured and they were very nice. It was a huge success for
all to enjoy and also congratulations to the top 10 runners.
Inter-intermediate cross country
Last Wednesday it was Inter-intermediate cross country. It was a cold start but a fun filled day made up of running, eating and two long bus rides. When we got there we went for a jog around the coure to warmup a bit because it was quite a cold morning. The year 7 girls went first and got back very fast our top year 7 girl was a girl named Olivia (I think) and she came 2nd we are all very proud of her. I came 51st and very proud of it! I had a very good day and am looking forward to cross country next year.
Emily, Rm 5
Emily, Rm 5
"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others."
- Plato
What we think it means:
If you do a good action, you'll feel pleased with yourself and other people will follow your example...
- Plato
What we think it means:
If you do a good action, you'll feel pleased with yourself and other people will follow your example...
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
My favourite sport
This is my favourate sport. Nucomball is my favourate sport because there is not alot of running and you get people out. I like nucomball because it is a fun sport. I am not good at nucomball that much but next year I might get better and better.
Scott, Room 5
Scott, Room 5
Cross Country
Today is cross country and the vibe is aloft, chills are going up spines and people are on edge. Fun for some a dread for others, the rain passes by and the wind blows on but still the vibe lingers. As we work in the morning thoughts are running through heads and worries are building but still the vibe lingers. Lets go Tawa Intermediate!
On Thursday 10th of May Tawa Intermediate had a disco. It was extremely loud
and it got alot of people dancing. Everyone who went really enjoyed it and had alot of fun
also there were spot prizes, a raffle, lolly scrambles, dance comps and food stalls for everyone to purchase food. Overall it was enjoyed by all.
By Kelvin, rm 5
and it got alot of people dancing. Everyone who went really enjoyed it and had alot of fun
also there were spot prizes, a raffle, lolly scrambles, dance comps and food stalls for everyone to purchase food. Overall it was enjoyed by all.
By Kelvin, rm 5
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Winston Churchill
'' We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.''
Something about Winston Churchill.
Sir Winston Churchill was a British prime minister and statesman who led the country to victory against Nazi Germany and the Axis powers in World War Two.
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born on 30 November 1874 at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. His father was the prominent Tory politician, Lord Randolph Churchill. Churchill attended the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, before embarking on an army career. He saw action on the North West Frontier of India and in the Sudan. While working as a journalist during the Boer War he was captured and made a prisoner-of-war before escaping.
By Becca, Eden, Kate and Scott.
Human Rights Quotes
"Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness". Martin Luther King Jr
Chinese Proverb Quote
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime"
Chinese Proverb
We think this means Knowledge is greater than material gifts
Teach someone only once and they will live
People have a right to education
Chinese Proverb
We think this means Knowledge is greater than material gifts
Teach someone only once and they will live
People have a right to education
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
In Room 5 we have been learning about Human Rights in inquiry. We have learned about the origin of them and what they are. We have also looked at a poem by Marguerite Heath, here it is:
Tell me -
Is it right that you leave the tap running
While I walk miles for a pitcher of water?
Is it right that you leave food on your plate,
When my belly is empty and bloated?
Is it right that you resent school on Mondays,
When I will never learn to right my name?
Is it right that you buy our food cheaply
Yet carp about the forests cleared to go it?
Is it right, when you have burned coal for decades,
To begrudge our first smoking chimneys?
Is it right that you take our best doctors
and leave us to die of your diseases?
Is it right that you take the oil our ground
To drive cars we can only dream of?
Is it right that your medicines cost the earth
While millions of us die of treatable diseases?
Is it right that your banks charge endless fees
for monies we borrow to provide for your needs?
Is it right that you sell us your landmines and guns
That maim our daughters and kill our sons?
Tell me is that right?
Tell me -
Is it right that you leave the tap running
While I walk miles for a pitcher of water?
Is it right that you leave food on your plate,
When my belly is empty and bloated?
Is it right that you resent school on Mondays,
When I will never learn to right my name?
Is it right that you buy our food cheaply
Yet carp about the forests cleared to go it?
Is it right, when you have burned coal for decades,
To begrudge our first smoking chimneys?
Is it right that you take our best doctors
and leave us to die of your diseases?
Is it right that you take the oil our ground
To drive cars we can only dream of?
Is it right that your medicines cost the earth
While millions of us die of treatable diseases?
Is it right that your banks charge endless fees
for monies we borrow to provide for your needs?
Is it right that you sell us your landmines and guns
That maim our daughters and kill our sons?
Tell me is that right?
On Monday 30th Room 5 played Room 12 in an exciting game of K.O. Room 12 beat Room 5
and they really deserved to win because they played very well. But Room 5 started to make a comeback
but sadly it didn't pay of, so well done Room 12. In other games Room 14 beat Room 8, Room 18 beat
Room 7 and Room 17 beat Room 4 so who will win the K.O. champs?
and they really deserved to win because they played very well. But Room 5 started to make a comeback
but sadly it didn't pay of, so well done Room 12. In other games Room 14 beat Room 8, Room 18 beat
Room 7 and Room 17 beat Room 4 so who will win the K.O. champs?
Friday, April 27, 2012
ANZAC Biscuits Homework
In Room 5 this term we are doing homework based around all things ANZAC!
One of the asks you can do is to bake some ANZAC biscuits and bring them to class for your classmates to judge. Many people have been doing this and we have been feasting on them all week! here are some pictures of them:
One of the asks you can do is to bake some ANZAC biscuits and bring them to class for your classmates to judge. Many people have been doing this and we have been feasting on them all week! here are some pictures of them:
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
We had netball trials on Friday the 23rd of March. I didn't think I did very well but I got into the TIS All Stars which is the A team for Ngati toa. We have our first training tomorrow after school and I got my netball uniform yesterday. I am excited to get back into playing netball.
Emma, room 5
Emma, room 5
Porirua Grand Traverse
On Sunday the 1st of April it was the Porirua grand traverse. There were about 16 of us from Tawa Intermediate competing. It was a blast but lets just say you would not have wanted to be on a timetable because it did run a bit late. First there was the waka part of the race which wasn't timed but was still fun sadly I was in the last waka wave so I was quite late starting but it all payed of because I came 10th and only missed coming 9th by one second!
Emily, Room 5
Emily, Room 5
Juicy Writing
4/4/12 Juicy writing
I very much dislike my sister Taylor because she is annoying and she is a pain. She gets
us banned from the computer because she does bad things to it. Also she is
extremely annoying because she always has to copy me in what I get and she always follows me
pretty much everywhere I go. Lastly she is a pest when she screams at me and hits me and when she tries to claim my stuff as hers all the time. Thats my sister for you.
Kelvin, Rm 5
I very much dislike my sister Taylor because she is annoying and she is a pain. She gets
us banned from the computer because she does bad things to it. Also she is
extremely annoying because she always has to copy me in what I get and she always follows me
pretty much everywhere I go. Lastly she is a pest when she screams at me and hits me and when she tries to claim my stuff as hers all the time. Thats my sister for you.
Kelvin, Rm 5
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Make a list........
About me - Jenna
Juicy writing
What I like? Dancing, netball, pasta, maths, cooking, knitting, rollercoasters.
What I don't like? Onion, annoying siblings, spiders.
things to do whilst watching a sunset? read, knit, practise cartwheeling.
Great names for bands? Just a rock band.
Places I want to visit? Italy - The Leaning Tower, France - The Eiffel Tower.
Bad things to serve at a dinner party? Onion soup, unedible food, vegetables.
Things grandparents should never say? rad, awesome, lol (laugh out loud,) dude, sweet as.
Juicy writing
What I like? Dancing, netball, pasta, maths, cooking, knitting, rollercoasters.
What I don't like? Onion, annoying siblings, spiders.
things to do whilst watching a sunset? read, knit, practise cartwheeling.
Great names for bands? Just a rock band.
Places I want to visit? Italy - The Leaning Tower, France - The Eiffel Tower.
Bad things to serve at a dinner party? Onion soup, unedible food, vegetables.
Things grandparents should never say? rad, awesome, lol (laugh out loud,) dude, sweet as.
In room 5 we have a free 2 week trial for mathletics and we are using it in class maths rotations. Mathletics is a educational maths website where you can participate in maths games and activites. We are encouraged to buy a 1 year membership so we can use it all year round at home and at school. On mathletics you have your own character who you can customise and buy backgrounds and hats and things like that for, you can buy these things with the credits you win for doing well in the maths activities. Hopefully we can get most of the class on this!
Emily, Room 5
Emily, Room 5
K.O. pre group games
On Monday 26th March room 2 played room 15 in the school K.O competition. Room 15 played well and got the win they needed to progress further in the tournement. In the other pre group game room 6 played room 10 and it was a spectacular display of skills and stratigies and it was a very close game and room 6 had a huge number of supporters but sadly they lost to a lot of peoples disapointment but room 10 did play very stratigicly and showed a lot of skills. Well done Room 10!
Kelvin, Room 5
Kelvin, Room 5
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Poukai's assembly
On Wednesday 14th of March it was Poukai's turn to host assembly, they did a great job and it was very exciting.
This is what Room 5 thought of the assembly:
Extremely cheesy, OTT (over the top), funny, good, interesting, a bit stupid, silly, the faires were funny because one of them was a boy, fun, good to watch, nicely presented, not very well acted, different to other assemblies, exciting, extremely pink, to much pink, entertaining, a bit dumb, lively, weird, witty, alright, tacky, the videos were cool.
by Jenna
This is what Room 5 thought of the assembly:
Extremely cheesy, OTT (over the top), funny, good, interesting, a bit stupid, silly, the faires were funny because one of them was a boy, fun, good to watch, nicely presented, not very well acted, different to other assemblies, exciting, extremely pink, to much pink, entertaining, a bit dumb, lively, weird, witty, alright, tacky, the videos were cool.
by Jenna
Nucombeball - Room 12 vs Tawa Int staff!
On Friday the 16 of March room 12 played the Tawa Int staff in a higly anticipated game of nucombeball.
The support was equal for both teams and the supporters were yelling there heads off for there teams.
There were some brilliant throws and some spectacular catches made in the game but in the end the champions room 12 defeated the Tawa Int staff and I think they deserved it.
Kelvin, Room 5
The support was equal for both teams and the supporters were yelling there heads off for there teams.
There were some brilliant throws and some spectacular catches made in the game but in the end the champions room 12 defeated the Tawa Int staff and I think they deserved it.
Kelvin, Room 5
Ugly Shakespeare
Ugly Shakespeare came to Tawa Int on the 20th of March (or yesterday) and I'm going to tell you about it!
The Ugly Shakespeare Company is a group of three awesome actors who help create a different image of shakespeare for adults and children through the art of plays. They are sponsered by the university of Waikato and perform a variety of Shakespeare plays at schools around New Zealand.
They performed "Hamlet" for us and it was funny and enjoyable. We hope they come back soon!
Emily, Room 5.
Ugly Shakespeare came to Tawa Int on the 20th of March (or yesterday) and I'm going to tell you about it!
The Ugly Shakespeare Company is a group of three awesome actors who help create a different image of shakespeare for adults and children through the art of plays. They are sponsered by the university of Waikato and perform a variety of Shakespeare plays at schools around New Zealand.
They performed "Hamlet" for us and it was funny and enjoyable. We hope they come back soon!
Emily, Room 5.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Class jobs
Student Council - Jenna Gotlieb & Nasan Jenkins
Sports Committee - Emily Mclean, Roshani Thuraisingham, Imogen Cookson, Elson Jackson &
Antonia Maunsell
Librarians - Sefh Clayton & Liv Collett
Computer Monitors - Emma Spinks, Kate Crowley, Nathan Hughes, Gavin Voong, Emily Mclean &
Nasan Jenkins
Bloggers - Jenna Gotlieb, Emily Mclean, Eden Colussi, Kelvin Holbrook, Emma Spinks & Scott Breuer
Money box - Tyreek Fuiava
Photocopy Collecter - David Phillips
Photographer - Antonia Maunsell
Fish - Becca Cox & Bernice Holford
Scribe - Hannah Clark & Anna Randles
Bookshelf - Kate Crowley & Bernice Holford
Written by Jenna Gotlieb
Sports Committee - Emily Mclean, Roshani Thuraisingham, Imogen Cookson, Elson Jackson &
Antonia Maunsell
Librarians - Sefh Clayton & Liv Collett
Computer Monitors - Emma Spinks, Kate Crowley, Nathan Hughes, Gavin Voong, Emily Mclean &
Nasan Jenkins
Bloggers - Jenna Gotlieb, Emily Mclean, Eden Colussi, Kelvin Holbrook, Emma Spinks & Scott Breuer
Money box - Tyreek Fuiava
Photocopy Collecter - David Phillips
Photographer - Antonia Maunsell
Fish - Becca Cox & Bernice Holford
Scribe - Hannah Clark & Anna Randles
Bookshelf - Kate Crowley & Bernice Holford
Written by Jenna Gotlieb
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Numeracy in room 5
In room 5 we have been learning about coordinates and compass bearings. We have 4 maths groups- Brilliant bearings, Clever coordinates, Lucky locations and Marvellous maps. We have been learning about 6 figure grid references.
Athletics Day
Yesterday was the athletics day and I think everyone did a great job at every one of the sports! Yesterday was really fun because lots of the sports included running and I like running. Someone my class threw a discus really far and that would be Tyreek! There is a big chance that he will go to the inter intermediate athletics. I saw all the year seven boys from my group try their best and if I could go to the inter intermediate athletics I would try as hard as I can ,but only a few of the most sporty people get to go there. For vortex, Christian, one of the year seven boys, got a 3 and a 3 means you got the best score you could get. The thing I was best at is shotput because I got a 2. My favourite though was long jump because at my primary I came 3rd. For sprints it was really hard even to get a 2 because to get it you have to beat 13 seconds in the 75 metres sprint. and you have to beat 15 seconds in the 100 metres sprint. My least favourite is high jump because it's too high for me to jump over.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The Islands Challenge - We Won!
We worked really well together and beat Room 4 & 6 .
Here is a PCU chart showing some of our reflection on the challenge.
Room 5 students, could you add a comment explaining why our team was successful?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Welcome back to Rm 5 in 2012
Welcome to Rm 5 2012!
With the school year just about to start there are lots of exciting things ahead. Tomorrow brings the first day of school where existing Year 8 students will get to meet the new Year 7s who will make up Rm 5 in 2012.
There is lots ahead of us in what will be a jam packed term; getting to know you activities, Athletics Day, finding out about citizenship, a team building trip, new spec groups, new classmates to get to know..... The list goes on.
I look forward to the adventures that term 1 will bring, and hope that we will find some new student blog administrators to get blogging on here soon :)
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